AOSENMA CG035 Double GPS is an interesting model, sporty well built and offering a super stable GPS stabilization, First of all, when you power the machine you most be sure that all ESC are booting simultaneously (listen to the ESC music), Here you have a fast machine and relatively nervous despite being powered by a 2S LiPo.
The main functions of this drone with GPS and very cheap, is that you can fly in circles as we mentioned, something very interesting if you carry a camera in the drone, do not forget that we could also try to put a GoPro action camera or The Chinese SJCam4000 or SJCam 5000 or why not the new SJCam M20, and in this way take very good shots of us as the drone flies around us. This drone also comes with altitude control of which very surely for them is due to help of an internal barometer. And with them keep your height at the point where we leave the drone and this also very useful when taking a photo or because of not a Selfie from the air. This drone also incorporates enough technology to know when you have lost the range with your command or control and also return exactly where you took off or where you were with the remote. So when this condition is lost signal, the drone will return home automatically. Also with a lever from the remote control or command, we can tell the drone to return home. Its control Remote can be set to mode 1 and 2, function on your auto-takeoff command, fly around a circular mode point, flight time between 15 to 20 minutes, battery charge time one hour, range Of the remote control or 300 meters, dimensions of the drone of 330 * 330 * 160mm, will also sell the camera type FPV with its monitor separately.

The CG035 features a GPS follow me mode. When enabled the CG035 will follow the transmitter using the built-in GPS system allowing you to record your own action. For the first time, it receives both GPS and GLONASS signals. This dual module satellite system guarantees a highly stable and stronger satellite signal. The 1080P FHD Camera is mounted on the aircraft, to broadcast the live video of the pilot on the ground, so that the pilot is flying the aircraft as if he/she is onboard the aircraft instead of looking at it from the pilot’s actual ground position. In altitude hold mode, the aircraft maintains a consistent altitude while allowing roll, pitch, and yaw to be controlled normally. One press automatically takes off or land, RC quadcopter will either take off or go back to the position where it took off. Pick what you wanna record or photography 360 degrees and let your CG035 drone surround it. When enters into the headless mode, the controls will be set to one direction based on the quadcopter`s current path. The CG035 can circle a GPS waypoint. Under the GPS mode, the copter can achieve one key to start and altitude hold, easy and convenient to operate.
AOSENMA CG035 is a drone with the characteristics of a professional drone, has the mode Headless mode, return home with a key “One key return”, has built-in GPS, barometer, Gimbal stabilization technology, along with a hover function allows you to capture smooth, clean footage while the camera is in the air. You can buy From TOMTOP at $169.99 if you Use this discount $20 off Coupon Code: LQPACG20