Original Xiaomi Mi Plant Flowers Tester is a perfect tool to test the soil conditions (moisture/light / pH/humidity / temperature) of fruits, flowers, vegetables, shrubs, etc.. Ideal and necessary monitor for gardeners, vegetable and fruit growers, and all those who plant trees and grass. When connected with Xiaomi Smart Home, you can control the plant’s conditions on your phone. With high accuracy and easy operation. You can take good care of your plants. You can check more here, https://www.

Flower Care measures 121 × 25 × 13 mm and consists of two parts. The lower U-shaped part is placed in the soil – it is engaged in measuring moisture and electrical conductivity. In the upper part, there is a thermometer and a luximeter (a small slit on one of the sides), as well as an LED indicator under a semi-transparent plug that lights up only when data is exchanged between the sensor and the smartphone or tablet. Underneath one of the sides of the upper part is a battery compartment with an insulating seal around. However, it is said that the upper part should be above the soil and should not be wet. The device is powered by one battery type CR2032. It is claimed that one battery will last for a full year of continuous operation. In fact, even after two to a little month in the application is still shown, The sensor is able to measure the ambient temperature (in degrees Celsius), illumination (in lux), soil moisture (in percent) and the level of nutrients in it. With the first three parameters, everything is clear, but for the fourth one actually measures the conductivity in mS/cm, which depends on the volume of minerals in the soil. But acidity pH sensor cannot measure, although it would be just more convenient. By themselves all these figures are useless, but Flower Care has a base of optimal, as claimed, values ??of these parameters for more than three thousand plants. It is “as stated” because, in fact, this is not exactly true. Firstly, there are many complaints on the forums and in the responses to the application that attempts to bring the indicators to the recommended values ??only lead to a deterioration in the state of the plant. Secondly, the situation is very different, and sometimes you have to forcibly control or restrain the sharp growth of the plant. Obviously, an experienced florist botany no device will replace.
When installing the sensor, make sure that the hole in the luximeter is not covered with leaves. Despite the fact that the range of measured temperatures is -20 ° … + 50 ° C, the device is unlikely to be designed for outdoor use. However, somewhere in the wilds of the Chinese documentation, there are certainly instructions on this matter. In addition, Flower Care is not suitable for plants growing on systems with hydroponics. In this case, only a brief immersion of the sensor is allowed to take readings. For the correctness of the data we can not guarantee, but the application clearly shows the results of irrigation, fertilizer additions or attempts to close the photosensor. The device independently measures all the main indicators and stores it in the internal memory. After synchronization in the application, you can see statistics by hours, days of the week and by months.
About the amount of internal memory is not directly stated, but at least 10 days of absence is enough. In addition, the plant with the sensor can be given to “guardianship” of someone else, if you leave – the application allows you to gain temporary control over Flower Care. Synchronization with the sensor occurs via Bluetooth 4.1 LE. True, this process does not always go smoothly. Probably, the last firmware update “killed” the history of the readings for several days, during which time synchronization was not performed. In general, during the use of Flower Care there were already three firmware updates, and in general, the developers still bring it to mind. For example, in early versions of the software, there was a measurement of the phased array, and the interface was slightly different.
In general, Flower Care is so far more a toy, albeit useful. Completely shift the care of plants on it is not worth it, but some undisciplined amateur growers, it really can come in handy. It should be a device about a thousand rubles. In Russia, it is not officially sold, and in other countries, the producer is not in a hurry to certify it. For example, in the FCC it was registered only at the end of the summer. From close analogs from more or less well-known manufacturers, perhaps, only Parrot Flower Power, but it still has to be ordered from abroad, and it is much more expensive. True, the application for him is more interesting Flower Care. Well and so in online shops full of nameless and not so devices of the same type.
Now you can understand what your plants need. Smart Flower and Plant Monitor (Huahuacaocao) is a device that will help you understand their needs. You can simply trace the level of moisture, lighting, temperature. Now, to ensure the careful care of plants has become simple. You can buy From Banggood at $15.50